Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Got Foot Pain? Most over-looked structure.

The foot is probably the most over-looked structure.

It’s not surprising that the foot is a much more delicate instrument then we realize.
A single human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 tendons and 20 muscles!

And guess what?

If the floor is crooked the table wobbles! It's not surprising that not only your foot pain but your knee, ankle, hip or back pain starts at your "floor" (feet).

The amount of damage an uncorrected foot can cause is grossly underestimated.

Three (3) critical things are necessary for an orthotic to be effective at relieving pain and improving function.

1. They must cap­ture the corrected position or posture of the foot: as high an arch as the foot can make with heel and ball of the foot flat on the ground.

2. The orthotic must make full con­tact with the entire foot in this position in order to have the me­chanical power and efficiency to control the foot.

3. The orthotic must be custom calibrated to flex and support the demands we put on our feet every day. The orthotic must be rigid enough to maintain a cor­rected foot posture yet flexible enough to ‘give’ upon impact with a typical concrete floor.

Custom Orthotics stabilize the arch and absorb the adverse effects that gravity puts on to the soft tissues of the foot, arch and heel.

Call us to see if your Custom Orthotics are covered by your insurance plan.

Many Insurance Plans cover 1-2 pairs of custom orthotics per year per family member!

1 comment:

  1. Wholly agree! We demand lots from our feet. Our feet supports our body during standing, walking and running so we should properly take care of them.

    Orthotics Annapolis
