Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Power Plate Whole Body Vibration How does it work?

Power Plate Whole Body Vibration 
How does it work?

Many of you have already experienced the benefits of Power Plate Whole Body Vibration.  

"It works!  I don't know how or why, but it works." 

Check out the You Tube link below to hear Dr. Perry Cammisa's, co-founder and developer of BStrong4Life, own testimonial


Well at Fifth Avenue Chiropractic and Chambersburg BStrong4Life Center we do know "why" and we do know "how" it works.  We thought some of you might be interested in this too.
Acceleration Training™ with Power Plate creates instability in the human body, as with each vibration the body is forced to perform reflexive muscle actions, multiple times per second. Furthermore, these contractions must work in multiple dimensions as Power Plate actually oscillates in all three planes, exactly as the human body is designed to do. The net result is an incredible improvement in force production, or strength and power.

The principle by which Power Plate works lies in the law of motion, stated by Sir Isaac Newton: that the force of an object is equal to its mass multiplied by acceleration, or f = m x a. What this means is that one can improve functional force (stability, strength or power) by either applying more mass or more acceleration to the body.

Many forms of training and conditioning use mass - as seen in methods with weight machines, free weights, etc. Power Plate, instead, uses the second half of this equation, by applying acceleration to the body, while keeping mass, i.e. your body weight, the same.

This is a real breakthrough in training and conditioning as we can now optimally “load” the human frame while minimizing high impact, high load, and high stress factors.

Gravity is the force that adds load to the human body every second of every day for every movement we perform. Through Acceleration Training™ exercise, Power Plate machines make the body feel as though it “weighs” more every time acceleration forces increase.
The result is that you work against a far greater influence or “load” of gravity in every movement you perform.

This is the essence of all strength and conditioning programs and Power Plate simply uses a different part of the same equation to achieve this! In fact, the amazing outcomes seen with Acceleration Training™ exercise respect the same biological and physiological laws of the body as witnessed in other forms of training. The difference is merely the nature of the stimulus applied (i.e. acceleration), and not the human response.

So... to make a long story short.  There are two ways to increase strength and stability.  More mass or more acceleration.  By adding more acceleration you decrease the time necessary and the risk, which is inherent to more mass, to achieve the same results.  

Isn't it time you tried it?

-Dr. Bryan

Monday, January 30, 2012

BStrong4Life Testimonials:

I was having difficulty walking because of degenerative disc disease and the BStrong4Life training system allowed me to walk much, much better. Since I have been using BStrong4Life, I am able to do more of my normal activities. I feel better, less pain, greater mobility and flexibility. Before BStrong4Life, I had difficulty walking the short hallway into the BStrong4Life Center. Now I can walk several blocks, shop, do household chores, and walk through airports. The best thing I like about BStrong4Life is completing the exercises. I would recommend BStrong4Life system to my family and friends because this had been so rejuvenating, that my noticeable aging has slowed.

-Barbara T.

The BStrong4Life training system has increased my strength as well as my bone density!  I feel that it has changed my life for the better because I am more secure in my ability to maintain balance and am stronger physically.  I had difficulty lifting certain heavy items in my home and now it's much easier. I could never do push-ups or planks and now I can. The best thing about BStrong4Life is that its fast and you can see your progress improve week by week. I would absolutely recommend BStrong4Life! This is a great program for anyone who does not have much time to spend exercising. Anyone who wants to build strength or who has lost bone density must try this!                            Kay T.

The BStrong4Life system has strengthened my core and made me stronger without making me bulky. My energy has increased and I have greater endurance when running.  I am a cheerleader and coach. Before BStrong4Life, I had difficulty with flying, but now I can fly in cheer leading with little effort and can run longer. The best thing about BStrong4Life is that it is fast and I hardly sweat.  I highly recommend BStrong4Life to family and friends because it increases strength and endurance.

Reagan C. 

The Bstrong4Life system has increased my strength, balance, and flexibility. My increased balance and flexibility gained from the BStrong4Life system has given me increased performance in my recreational activities. I enjoy the opportunity to have a personalized plan developed by Dr. Bryan. I can describe my personals goals to Dr. Bryan, and he and his staff  tailor exercises to meet my needs. I would recommend this system to others because of the overall feeling of wellness and personal attention I have received since beginning the system.

Laura R.

The BStrong4Life training system has definitely improved my muscle tone and helped me to be consistent in doing an exercise program. Bstrong4Life has changed my life for the better because I feel like I have more stamina and my chiropractic adjustments last longer. The thing I like most about BStrong4Life is my increased energy and the feeling of being stronger without excess bulk. I have highly recommended this to my family and friends because there is so little time involved to achieve amazing results!

Eldon O.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

I have degenerated discs. Is it Safe? Actually the BStrong4Life System has been proven to alleviate disc pain and return users to a normal, more active lifestyle. Strengthening your spine is the key to a long, healthy lifestyle.

I already have Osteopenia/Osteoporosis. Can the program help? Bone is a living tissue and constantly regenerating or degenerating. Unlike traditional weight lifting, which stresses joints and works your outer muscle, the BStrong4Life System works your inner muscle or the "cables" on the bones.  Stressing your  "cables" encourages new bone growth. We've already seen documented results from DEXA scans showing reversal of Osteoporosis in less than 6 months?

Can I push so hard something breaks? No. Because you're pushing an immovable object, you're incapable of breaking something with your own strength.

I'm a runner. How will this program help?  Visit our website and listen to Tanya, a marathon runner. Using the program has reduced her fatigue and increased her stamina.

What age should I be to benefit the most? Any age! We have users from 10 to 90 years old. The program enhances performance regardless of an individual's personal goal.

How long do I have to do the program? The length of time depends on your age, health goals and conditioning level. Just like exercise, the longer you do it the greater the benefits.

BStrong4Life Session Tips
  • ·         Maintain a schedule. If you miss a day, schedule the following day if possible.
  • ·         We recommend athletic shoes with orthotics if you wear them. However, any shoe will work.
  • ·         Some clients wear weight lifting or bike gloves. They find it improves their grip
  • ·         Some new users experience fatigue/or aching bones. This is because your inner muscle is putting stress on the bone. Stress on the bone stimulates growth.  To reduce these symptoms, drink a bottle of water immediately after your session and take 2000mg of Vitamin C. As you get stronger, these symptoms will disappear.
  • ·         Remember to watch the screen; even your eyes stimulate muscle response.
  • ·         If you are at risk of Osteoporosis, we recommend a Dexa-scan so that you can track your progress.
  • ·         Please advise our staff if you have any injuries or aches or pains. BStrong4Life system can be adapted for rehabilitation of injuries.